Red Bull is giving us wings

Since the dawn of social media, brands have been trying to engage and interact with their prospective market leads, and customer bases in a way that is more humane. Companies don’t want to be seen as power hungry, instead, companies want to engage and interact by educating and personalizing their consumers’ online experience.

Engaging in social media is about being extremely open, creative and dynamic. To stay competitive on social media, brands need to be investing as a way to extend the brand personality to their customers.

While advertising and cultivating the image is still important, it’s  the interaction that creates loyal customers. Using social media to show customers that your business is influenced by what they say, think and feel about your products will amplify your brand’s message.

Instagram is easy engagement with audiences because it is easy to use when you’re on the go. It’smobile-exclusive and allows immediate editing of images you take on the move to post on the platform. Human beings prefer to gather and interpret information through sight, which is why visual marketing has become so important in recent years.

Red Bull is a brand that is associated with procrastination and the need for energy — last-minute studying, late-night partying, early morning meetings or classes, and the ability to keep you awake at almost any hour of the day.


Instagram users have always responded favorably to well-composed photographs. Red Bull’s photos, especially the ones related to extreme sports, pack so much energy into the frame that it appears as if the subject can’t be held in by the frame’s boundaries. The most engaging post was a photo of a cyclist riding down a cliff.

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Red Bull has “regrammed” (reposting images previously taken for different purposes) photos from the most influential extreme sports photographers, including Christian Pondella. This is a great way to source awesome content and amplify the brand’s Instagram feed.

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 Red Bull uses an awesome mix of photos and videos to capture moments. The post below is a video from their Red Bull Rampage event, made with French free biker Antoine Bizet. It captures his historic double backflip during one of the events and is one of the most engaging posts from this period. A photo probably would not do justice to the moment captured in this video.

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Red Bull’s Instagram captions are very simple and succinct but at the same time a little edgy, which keeps things interesting. The post below was one of the most commented-on posts in the data period.

A majority of Red Bull’s posts do not even feature the drink. Their Instagram feed is representative of the lifestyle a Red Bull drinker is expected to have: energetic,impulsive, high-adrenaline and adventurous.

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Red Bull is the highest-selling energy drink in the U.S., yet they hardly sell the drink on Instagram at all. The brand has managed to convey its value offerings through a very subtle–yet engaging–strategy on the platform.


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